Clean Technica Climate change

Dwindling List Of EVTOL Firms Shrinks Further

9 min read

The inevitable is occurring in the dead end space of Jetsons urban air mobility fantasies. Two more origami rotorcraft have left the vertiport for the great airplane graveyard in the sky as Volocopter disappears and Airbus drops its program. Volocopter was founded in 2011 in Bruchsal, Germany. Initially named e-Volo, … [continued]

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Clean Technica

Safely Descending Hills In EV or ICE Vehicles

5 min read

Have you ever driven down a steep hill and then started smelling something awful? Whether the smell is coming from your car or it’s coming from somebody else’s, the unmistakable smell of brakes being cooked is extremely unpleasant. But, it’s a lot more than just bothersome—it’s a sign that somebody’s … [continued]

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Clean Technica

NM Supreme Court Rejects Utilities’ Challenge to Community Solar Rules

4 min read

In a resounding victory for community solar advocates, the New Mexico Supreme Court definitively rejected electric utilities’ efforts to reshape the state’s community solar program. The court released a comprehensive 58-page opinion yesterday, which affirmed its March 2024 verbal decision upholding the implementation rules from the Public Regulation Commission. New … [continued]

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