Canada Clean Technica Climate change

It’s Against The Law In Canada To Call Hydrogen Buses Zero Emissions

19 min read

In the middle of 2024, I documented the remarkable disappearance of claims of environmental virtue from the websites and social media of Canadian oil and gas companies and the lobbying groups they employed. Overnight, the degree of factual accuracy on their public sites went up by a remarkable amount. Why? … [continued]

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Clean Technica

Building a Sustainable Supply Chain for the Philippine Offshore Wind Industry

5 min read

EIGHT YEARS. That is the least amount of time needed for the Philippines to build and operate its first offshore windmill. Thus, as the country stands at the threshold of a renewable energy transition, with offshore wind (OSW) expected to play a crucial role in meeting its energy security and … [continued]

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Owen Sound Sun Times

Grey-Bruce communities with municipal police forces request funding

6 min read

Grey-Bruce municipalities with their own police forces are raising concerns about not receiving the additional funding their municipal peers who contract the OPP for policing are being granted.  The mayors of Owen Sound, Hanover and West Grey have sent a joint letter to Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Rick Byers requesting equitable funding for municipal policing. Saugeen […]

Clean Technica Climate change

Accelerating Electrification: Freight Trucks Will Dominate In The US

13 min read

Key Takeaways: Transportation is the highest emissions segment in United States Of rail, water, and road, only freight trucking can readily decarbonize Electric trucks are cost-effective and rapidly advancing The United States has unintentionally made itself into the country with the hardest to decarbonize transportation sector, and it matters. Transportation … [continued]

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Canada Clean Technica Climate change

Deloitte Complicit In Indefensible Brampton Hydrogen Bus CUTRIC Study

10 min read

In one of my articles related to the debacle that is Canada’s transit think tank CUTRIC’s guidance and modeling on bus fleet decarbonization, especially the Brampton fleet report that was off by about $1.5 billion on a $9 billion price tag, I shared the open letter to the Board I’d … [continued]

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Canada Clean Technica Climate change

HVDC Transmission Between Europe & North America Makes Fiscal Sense

9 min read

As someone who spends a lot of time looking at HVDC electricity interconnectors globally, and holding the position that HVDC is the new pipeline, I’m very pleased with the latest Ember report, Security and efficiency: The case for connecting Europe and North America. Let’s step back. I’m sure many of … [continued]

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