As the world races toward a decarbonized future, hydrogen is often touted as a clean energy carrier, with proponents highlighting…
Debunking The Myth: Hydrogen Is Not A Practical Or Cost-Effective Fuel
Hydrogen has often been hailed as a fuel of the future, promising a clean and versatile energy source capable of…
Companion to Cranky Stepdad vs Hydrogen for Energy
Recently I published a simple debunker for many of the hydrogen for energy claims that perpetuate the hype, Cranky Stepdad…
Toyota’s Late Shift to BEVs Evident in Latest Financials Report
Toyota has gone through dozens of pairs of shoes dragging its feet on battery-electric vehicles. There may be no more…
25 Years of Hybrids, 10 Years of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars
One of our readers passed along the note recently that it was the 25 year anniversary of the first hybrid…