Great Lakes Now Michigan

Regulators say Detroit SO2 pollution under control after years of exceeding federal standards

5 min read

Regulators say Detroit SO2 pollution under control after years of exceeding federal standards

By Brian Allnutt, Planet Detroit

This article was republished with permission from Planet Detroit. Sign up for Planet Detroit’s weekly newsletter here.

Michigan regulators will hold an online public hearing on Jan. 28 to discuss redesignating parts of southwest Detroit and Downriver as meeting federal sulfur dioxide (SO2) air quality standards.

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Great Lakes Now Michigan

Great Lakes Moment: Michigan’s Port of Monroe fosters a blue economy that welcomes wildlife

6 min read

Great Lakes Moment: Michigan’s Port of Monroe fosters a blue economy that welcomes wildlife

Great Lakes Moment is a monthly column written by Great Lakes Now Contributor John Hartig. Publishing the author’s views and assertions does not represent endorsement by Great Lakes Now or Detroit PBS.

Historically, the prevailing thinking was that society could have either a healthy economy or healthy biodiversity, but not both.

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Great Lakes Now

Great Lakes most unwanted: Top 10 invasive species

13 min read

Great Lakes most unwanted: Top 10 invasive species

Long after the Halloween season has ended, some of the Great Lakes’ most infamous invasive species remain a scary sight: blood-sucking parasites with suction-cup mouths, thousands of rotting fish carcasses washed ashore and sharp mussel shells that puncture the feet of unsuspecting beachgoers.

At least 188 nonnative aquatic species have been introduced to the Great Lakes, and over a third have become invasive, meaning they can have negative health, ecological and socioeconomic impacts when introduced to new ecosystems.

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