Category: Lake Superior
The cross-country search for a site to store nuclear waste has ended just north of Lake Superior
This story was originally published in The Narwhal. After a 14-year search, Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and the Township of Ignace, Ont.—roughly 200 kilometres northwest of Lake Superior—have been selected as … Continued
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Breaking Point: Minnesota’s mining legacy includes massive lake of wastewater
“Nibi Chronicles,” a monthly Great Lakes Now feature, is written by Staci Lola Drouillard. A Grand Portage Ojibwe direct descendant, she lives in Grand Marais on Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior. Her nonfiction books “Walking the Old Road: A People’s History of Chippewa City and the Grand Marais Anishinaabe” and “Seven Aunts” were published 2019 and 2022, and the children’s story “A Family Tree” in 2024.
After a dramatic decline, lake trout have recovered in most of Lake Superior
By Danielle Kaeding, Wisconsin Public Radio
This article was republished here with permission from Wisconsin Public Radio.
After decades of work, fishery managers say lake trout have fully recovered in most of Lake Superior after the invasive, fish-killing sea lamprey decimated their numbers.
Waves of Change: Meet Protect the Porkies founder Tom Grotewohl
Waves of Change is an online interview series highlighting the diverse faces and perspectives shaping the environmental justice movement throughout the Great Lakes region.
This month, we spoke with Tom Grotewohl, a resident of Wakefield Township in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and founder of the Protect the Porkies campaign.
Public hearing draws on big questions about Upper Peninsula copper mining
By Izzy Ross, Interlochen Public Radio
This coverage is made possible through a partnership with IPR and Grist, a nonprofit independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
In Gogebic County, on the western end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, towering old-growth evergreens carpet the landscape as it rolls down toward the deep blue of Lake Superior.
Spooky Lake Superior: The SS Kamloops
Spooky Lakes: 25 Strange and Mysterious Lakes That Dot Our Planet is a new book by Geo Rutherford. Below is an adapted excerpt from her New York Times best seller, all about Lake Superior. Follow Geo on TikTok or Instagram for more content on spooky lakes.
Algal blooms appear in Lake Superior for the first time in history
Lake Superior is known for its pristine waters, but a combination of nutrient additions from increasing human activity (including farming and development), warming temperatures, and stormy conditions have resulted in … Continued
The post Algal blooms appear in Lake Superior for the first time in history appeared first on Cottage Life.
The lonely Lake Superior caribou and a lesson in limits | Great Lakes Now
By Emma McIntosh, The Narwhal
Emma and photographer Christopher Katsarov Luna spent four days in northwestern Ontario, reporting from the shore of Lake Superior.
The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan, Circle of Blue, Great Lakes Now at Detroit PBS, Michigan Public and The Narwhal who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change, pollution, and aging infrastructure on the Great Lakes and drinking water.
Wisconsin officials ask the public to report algal blooms in Lake Superior | Great Lakes Now
This article was republished here with permission from Great Lakes Echo.
By Anna Barnes, Great Lakes Echo
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is banking on public oversight of the largest Great Lake to help gauge the threat of increasingly common algal blooms.
Can smart buoys make boating on your lake safer?
Any boater out there knows the feeling: you head out on your watercraft to clear skies and still air, then the moment you round the corner, the wind and waves … Continued
The post Can smart buoys make boating on your lake safer? appeared first on Cottage Life.