Category: Great Lakes Commission
Superior has the state’s only private water utility. It’s making it harder to replace lead pipes.
Due to a Wisconsin state law barring privately owned water systems from receiving loan forgiveness, the Superior Water Light & Power Company can’t access the federal loan forgiveness included in […]
As Line 5 tunnel set to be fast-tracked, Great Lakes tribes withdraw from cooperating on environmental review
After being notified that the Line 5 tunnel project will likely be fast-tracked for federal approval, Great Lakes tribes are withdrawing as cooperating agencies in the federal environmental review process. […]
Northwest Ohio farmers now eligible to enroll in incentive program to improve water quality, soil health
Farmers in 10 northwest Ohio counties in the Western Lake Erie Basin are now eligible to enroll or re-enroll in H2Ohio’s agriculture incentive program that uses proven, science-based, best management […]
Moran Iron Works builds 66-foot vessel to boost Great Lakes research by 2026
A new Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) research vessel, the 66-foot R/V Steelhead II, is currently being built in northern Michigan. The vessel will come equipped with a lab, […]
DNR to cover federal funding cuts for state’s Great Lakes piping plover program
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will once again hire several people to monitor the critically endangered Great Lakes piping plover at four state parks. Those jobs are typically federally […]