London police name new deputy chief

London has a new deputy police chief.

The London Police Services Board announced on Thursday that London police Superintendent Paul Bastien has been appointed to the role vacated by Stu Betts.

“Deputy Chief Designate Bastien is an accomplished and well-respected member of the London Police Service,” Board Chair Ali Chahbar said in a statement. “With a career spanning over 25 years in policing, over two decades of which have been with the London Police Service, he has established himself as an important and valued member of the senior management team.”

Bastien, who has a Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology from the University of Windsor and police leadership certificate from the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management, began his policing career with the RCMP in 1997. He joined the London Police Service in 2001.

Since then he has served in various roles in the professional standards branch, as detective inspector in charge of the investigative services branch, and as division commander overseeing teams of officers and civilian employees performing functions such as training and professional development, research and planning, and risk management.

“I’m honoured to have been selected as deputy chief of the London Police Service and grateful to the board for entrusting me to perform that important role,” said Bastien. “Our organization is comprised of talented and hard-working men and women dedicated to ensuring the safety of this community, and I am sincerely humbled to be provided this opportunity to serve them to that end.”

Betts stepped down as deputy chief at the start of the year to become chief of police in Peterborough.

Bastien will officially assume the role of deputy chief on Sunday.

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