County applies for funding through the Rapid Housing Iniatiative

Huron County has filed a third application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for funding through the Rapid Housing Initiative.

Director of Social and Property Services, Barb Hall says there is funding available.

“So there’s funding available for organizations, non-profits, municipal governments to put forward an application for funding for the development of affordable housing. Our proposal consists of twenty units, all one bedroom and the property is located in South Huron,” explained Hall.

Hall says they’ve done everything they could to qualify for the funding and she believes they’ve got a good change this time.

“There’s a scoring matrix that is provided and being able to develop a project definitely gains further points. The property that we’re proposing is shovel ready, it’s zoned appropriately and we have a full building schematic developed through our architect and we’re ready to go,” Hall stated.

The deadline for applications is March 15, and Hall adds they’ve been told it will likely take Canada Mortgage and Housing about sixty days to go through all of the applications, so she expects they’ll hear whether their application has been successful by late May or early June.

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