PRWIN 2023 Spring Seedling Program and Project Applications

PRWIN 2023 Spring Seedling Program and Project Applications

We Are Taking Orders For Our 2023 Spring
Seedling Give-Away 


We are ready to take your seedling orders!

You can choose from the following varieties of seedlings:
White cedar, Norway and white spruce, white pine, tamarack, red and sugar maple, bur and red oak, and black walnut. The seedlings with be 10 per bundle.

DEADLINE: December 31st, 2022 **first come, first serve basis.
We are placing a maximum 100 limit per property/person. Residents from Huron- Kinloss and Kincardine Township are eligible to order!

Please note that you will be responsible for picking up and planting the seedlings. If any seedlings are not picked up, they will be given to a participant on the waiting list. All participants will be given notice in late April informing them of seedling pickup location and dates.  

Please email your order to: 

86 Huron Street
Ripley, ON N0G 2R0

We are gearing up for our 2023 projects!

Landowners allow us to help them manage in ground projects by working with us to secure funding and co-ordinate contractors to develop on their property.
It is a great opportunity!

If you or another landowner could benefit from an in ground project, connect with us!
We can stop by for a site survey.
Email or call 519-395-5538.


Copyright © 2017 Pine River Watershed Initiative Network All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
86 Huron Street, Ripley, ON
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The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network · 86 Huron Street Unit 2 · PO Box 367 · Ripley, ON N0G2R0 · Canada

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