Community Foundation Grants support local projects

Grants from Community Foundation Grey Bruce totaling $248,180 will help launch some new projects and programs in the region this winter.

Local charities and non-profits had three programs to apply to in the fall, choosing either Kids Can Play Bruce Grey, Fall Community Grants, or Capital Grants.

Community Living Kincardine & District applied to the Kids Can Play Bruce Grey grant stream to provide training and resources to help coaches, volunteers and the community make their programs more inclusive. The $3,000 grant will support a website, sensory and inclusion kits, and presentations.

Bruce Grey Mentorship applied to the Capital Grant opportunity to improve their outdoor space. In addition to improving safety and accessibility to their location, the $20,000 grant will support a basketball court and outdoor play area.

Other organizations receiving grants from CFGB this fall include Bruce Peninsula Biosphere, Georgian Bay Symphony, Earth Day Grey Bruce, Southampton Arts, Grey Bruce Hospice, The Hanley Institute, and The Meeting Place Tobermory.

Community Foundation Grey Bruce manages more than 165 endowed funds created by local donors, that generate income which is disbursed as grants to charities and non-profits addressing quality of life in Grey and Bruce Counties.

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