Monkton baseball diamond getting needed repairs

North Perth has awarded a tender to give a local ball diamond a needed facelift.

Manager of Facilities, Jeff Newell, says some major work will be done soon at the Monkton baseball diamond.

“We’re gonna be replacing poles, as well as the old halide metal lighting system that’s there. So we’d be replacing poles that are probably in the neighbourhood of 40 years old, and are in poor condition. We’d be replacing the halide structures with LED fixtures.”

Newell says the project, like many this year, ended up being quite a bit more costly than originally thought.

“So the initial budget request made to council that was approved was for $100,000, and then the lowest bid that came in was for $144,600.”

However, Newell states the project can still go ahead because of high costs elsewhere.

“Some of our projects, we’ve decided to hold off until next year, and we’ll reprice those with a more suitable number that’s more reflective of what the current situation is. We’ve just delayed some of the projects, and those delays gave us some funds that we can now apply to this project.”

Work on upgrading the Monkton baseball diamond should begin this fall, with the goal of having it ready for baseball season next year.

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