Hunger strike planned by activists demanding help for homeless

Local activists are planning a hunger strike outside of London City Hall unless city officials comply with a list of demands to address the city’s homelessness crisis.

An organization called The Forgotten 519, which includes a physician, frontline and outreach workers, and activists with the Ontario Network of People Who Use Drugs (ONPUD) and SafeSpace London; is a coalition that works to serve people experiencing homelessness.

On Monday, the group released a statement that noted the recent spike in what were called “premature and preventable deaths” amongst the homeless community and the significant number of frontline workers who have left the field. The group said these issues directly correlate to problems linked to displacement, lack of support and “political foot-dragging.”

“During COVID, we saw the ability of all levels of government to bring many of our community members inside. With the cessation of COVID-related funding, hundreds of our community members have been forced to return to living outside,” a statement from The Forgotten 519 read.

According to the release, 59 homeless people in London died in 2020. It went up to 74 people in 2021, and so far in 2022, there were 34 deaths reported from within this population. The Forgotten 519 said these numbers could likely be higher as they have not been made aware of every death.

As a result, the group has called on the City of London with three demands aimed at preventing additional homeless-related deaths.

•Immediate ending of the removal of encampments, tents, campsites, or squats in city parks, along the Thames Valley Parkway, and in empty city lots, or lots left to fall into disrepair by the property owners.

•Immediate transition of the City of London’s Coordinated Informed Response (CIR) Team from a displacement model to a team that offers meaningful support (based on the self-identified needs of the campers) to campers at their campsites.

•Immediate creation of two indoor spaces (one in the core, one in the east end) that provide 24/7 support to people deprived of housing and shelter or needing a safe place to be.

“The City of London has one week to agree to these demands, and we trust that they will do so,” the release read. “However, if they do not, one of our members will begin a hunger strike at 9 a.m. Tuesday, August 2, 2022.”

The Forgotten 519 added that the strike will continue until the demands are met, or until negotiations for acceptable alternatives are agreed upon.

“If the city desires to meet with us, we expect them to do so in order to discuss how to immediately implement these demands. We don’t have time to waste, and neither do our friends who are dying,” the statement concluded.

The city has yet to comment publicly.

Last week, London police reported the bodies of two women were found in the city. One woman was found in the Thames River near Ivey Park, while the other woman was found in a field near Parkwood Institute. In both instances, police confirmed the deaths were not suspicious in nature.

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