The Down Town Goderich BIA is hosting a youth-friendly punk rock concert tomorrow night.
Down Town BIA Manager, David Mackechnie says they’ll have two bands, Moffat Avenue and Full Throttle, both punk bands from the London area. He says the idea for a punk concert came about when he put a call out on social media for bands for their Thursday night and Saturday afternoon concerts and he got a response from a few very good punk bands. He says the problem was that’s not a good fit for their Thursday night series.
“It’s not a great fit for a Thursday nights because we tend to get an older crowd and there’s sort of a tone that’s already been set for that. I like punk as much as the next guy but I would find it a little high energy at two o’clock on a Saturday afternoon.”
But, he says they did want to given the punk bands the opportunity to play there, so the solution was a one-off show this Friday night that was marketed, very much, for young people.
Mackechnie says he’s hoping to make most of the events they’ve brought in for the summer an annual thing.
“I’m hoping to make most of the events we’ve brought in for the summer an annual thing. So I think if this is successful I will definitely plan to do another one in July of next year and if its really successful, perhaps we’ll look at a date in August next year too if we can find a few other bands.”
The concert starts around seven o’clock on the performance stage on the Courthouse Square in Goderich, but Mackechnie say they’re expecting a good turnout so it might be a good idea to get there a little early. He adds, Sweet Love Eat’s food truck will also be there for the evening. More information about the concert can be found on the Down Town Goderich BIA web site under events.