As demand for the COVID-19 vaccine has plateaued, the Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU) is cutting its appointment booking hotline hours.
The health unit announced on Thursday the appointment phone line will only operate 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. It had been operating seven days a week.
Saturday will be the last day the vaccination booking line will be staffed by a live representative on a weekend. An answering service will be in place for Sunday.
“The change to the days of operation for the booking line comes as MLHU looks to pivot its COVID-19 response and integrate the COVID-19 vaccination program into the health unit’s regular operations and processes,” the health unit said.
The change to the appointment booking phone line hours comes as the health unit prepares to shorten its hours of operations at the Western Fair District Agriplex mass vaccination clinic. As of Tuesday, the clinic will only be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. Since its opening in December 2020, the mass vaccination site had been operating seven days a week.
Operations have also been scaled back at the mass vaccination clinic in Mt. Brydges.
Over the last couple of weeks the vaccination rate in the London-area has been relatively unchanged with 90 per cent of those five and old having had one dose and 88 per cent having received two doses. About 50 per cent of people in the same age bracket in London and Middlesex County have been administered a booster shot.
COVID-19 vaccines are continuing to be offered on a walk-in basis at the health unit’s mass vaccination, mobile and community hub clinics. Appointments can also be booked online at
Earlier this week, Southwestern Public Health, the health unit for Oxford and Elgin counties, announced it is closing its mass vaccination clinic at the Memorial Arena in St. Thomas. Its last day of operation will be on April 1. After that anyone in need of a shot can go to the health unit head office at 1230 Talbot Street Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.