Local MP supports lobbying effort to stop French condo development

A local MP is calling on French government officials to reconsider plans to build 70 seaside condos on a French beach.

The beach is Juno Beach along the Normandy coast, where on June 6th, 1944 Allied forces staged an invasion that would be known as D-Day.

Perth-Wellington MP John Nater says Juno Beach is an important part of Canadian and world history.

“Canadian casualties were over 340 or so on that beach — 14,000 Canadians landed on that beach — so it’s important part of our history,” said Nater. “It’s something that we need to cherish and to honour.”

While Nater conceded it’s up to the French whether they allow the development it’s important Canadians make their feelings known.

“This is something that from a Canadian perspective we ought to be lobbying hard in support of preserving Juno Beach and preserving the legacy that goes with it,” he said.

Nater said the Juno Beach Centre is willing to work with the developers to find ways to allow development while also respecting the area.

The website behind the effort to stop the development, savejunobeach.ca, claims construction could start “within weeks.”

You can visit the website where there is a contact form for to email your MP.

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