Local Warden part of successful delegation at virtual ROMA conference

Huron County Warden, Glen McNeil says he believes the presentations of Western Ontario Warden’s Caucus members at the virtual ROMA conference on Sunday afternoon were well received.

McNeil says several provincial ministers sat in on the presentations and he says their message resonated with the ministers.

“Our message resonated with them and our comments on both the need for housing of all kinds and especially affordable housing was very well received by Minister Steve Clark and others on the call yesterday.”

McNeil goes on to say they were confident that the government understands the situation.

“We were quite pleased and we were quite confident that the government understands and it’s a matter of following through and actually putting things into place. They understand the need and one size does not fit all and that message was well received by the ministers.”

Also, McNeil adds there was a very interesting discussion around the fact that there are a lot of people in the GTA that are looking for employment and those people understand they’re going to have to move to find it.

“And they understand they’re going to have to move to seek employment. And we have those employment opportunities in Western Ontario and we realize we need to have more housing to accommodate more residents moving into our area to fill the jobs that we have available.”

So, McNeil feels there is the potential for a win–win and the government recognizes that and it comes back to building houses that people can afford.

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