
Crime is not an urban or rural problem, it is everyone’s problem

It could be a very long, frustrating summer, if current police reports are any indication. There is a growing problem with rural properties being hit by thieves taking everything from … Continue reading Crime is not an urban or rural problem, it is everyone’s problem

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‘Mourn for the dead, fight for the living’ – Grey Bruce Labour Council holds three Day of Mourning events

The Grey Bruce Labour Council marked April 28 – National Day of Mourning – with three events: ceremonies on April 26 at Heritage Square in Hanover, April 28 at the … Continue reading ‘Mourn for the dead, fight for the living’ – Grey Bruce Labour Council holds three Day of Mourning events

The post ‘Mourn for the dead, fight for the living’ – Grey Bruce Labour Council holds three Day of Mourning events appeared first on Kincardine Independent.


Councillors onside, but Upper Thames not sold on Sifton subdivision

A “once in a lifetime” plan for a subdivision of nearly 1,100 homes in northeast London next to a conservation area was praised Tuesday by city councillors but faces pushback from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. In a unanimous vote Tuesday, city council’s planning and environment committee gave the nod to the proposed 1,079-home […]


Collisions down in Owen Sound in 2023

Owen Sound saw a reduction of collisions on its streets in 2023, when compared to a year earlier. An annual collision summary presented by Director of Public Works and Engineering Lara Widdifield at an April 18 operations committee meeting, noted that Owen Sound police responded to a total of 489 collisions last year. That was […]


Phase 2 of Owen Sound River Precinct project beginning

The second phase of a project to overhaul the area along the Sydenham River in Owen Sound is about to begin. Construction on the Downtown River Precinct Phase 2 in the 900 block of 1st Avenue East will begin this week and run until September. The work will include the creation of paths that are […]