Ben Lobb, MP for Huron-Bruce, and Lisa Thompson, MPP for Huron-Bruce and Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, teamed up with Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) and Yorkshire Valley Farms to donate 1,400 kilograms of chicken to the Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre.
The chicken, all safe, healthy, and locally-grown, will supply over 12,000 meals for families in need. The donation was made possible through the CFO Cares: Farmers to Food Banks program.
“The Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre is most grateful to the local farmers who are part of the CFO donation program, for the gifts of chicken we receive,” said Mary Ellen Zielman, executive director of the Huron County Good Bank Distribution Centre. “The Distribution Centre delivers the chicken along with other healthy foods to the regional food banks, aid agencies, and our mobile food truck program.”
The program allows poultry farmers to donate their chicken to food banks province-wide. It contributes one million meals annually.