The Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story opens in Wingham on June 2.
Huron County Cultural Development Officer Karen Stewart said Alice Munro was born and raised in Wingham and lived in Huron County for most of her life.
“[The festival] opens on the Friday night with a spoken word performance by January Rogers and an author reading by Samra Habib,” said Stewart. ” Then, we have a full day of author readings and the awards luncheon on Saturday in Wingham.”
On Sunday, they have more author readings and a panel discussion in Bayfield.
Stewart added, also on Saturday and Sunday, celebrated Canadian authors are leading master classes.
“The Alice Munro Festival celebrates the joy of reading, writing, and telling our own stories in the landscape that inspired Alice Munro,” she said.
The festival wraps up on Sunday, June 4.
Munro is the only Canadian to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. She won that in 2013. More information about the Festival can be found at