The South Huron District High School’s Eco Exeter team will launch its 2023 season at Hansen’s Independent Grocery Store next week.
Team member Ryan Marsh said they’ll be there next Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. handing out re-usable produce bags.
“We’re hoping to provide an eco-friendly alternative to the plastic bags that are available in the produce department,” said Marsh. “That’s because you use them once and then you throw them out. So this way, you can re-use these produce bags that we’re handing out every time you go to the store.”
Marsh said later in the week, from Wednesday until Friday, they’ll be having another Community Clean-up, so anyone who wants to get involved can go out and clean up anywhere around Exeter.
“We’re also going to be hosting a Bring Your Own Mug event at [Dairy Queen] in Exeter from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday,” Marsh said.
The Exeter Eco team got involved in environmental projects a few years after visiting Blue Bayfield and co-founder Ray Letheran in Bayfield. Their effort has encouraged the formation of similar teams in other local high schools.