The Wingham Community Connectors will be presenting a documentary next week at the Maitland River Elementary School aimed at bringing the community closer together.
Chair Christine Marshall says the film The Great Disconnect looks at why in a world seemingly more connected then ever before people are feeling more and more socially isolated and the true cost that has on our lives and our community.
“We are trying to get our community members more connected together and right now because of our turmoil with COVID and that has isolated a lot of people, made them feel lonely and they’ve gotten used to that,” she says. “Meeting their neighbours, making that kind of personal connection as opposed to a text message or just a quick wave and a smile maybe, which, they all go a long way.”
But Marshall says if we don’t start talking to each other we feel more and more isolated these days.
The screening will start at 6:30 at the Maitland River Elementary School on Tuesday, April 18. The film is about an hour long and, afterwards, they’ll have a discussion time among small groups asking people about some of their thoughts about their Wingham community and how it might be improved.