Huron County council has responded to an invitation to join the Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team.
CAO, Meighan Wark explains, Huron County was invited to come in as a partner at the level of their homes and their Emergency Services Department. Wark says the county certainly believes it’s important to work in partnership with the Ontario Health Team,
“The county believes that it’s important, not just at those levels, but also even at the highest administrative levels. So our proposal is for the CAO and the Warden to participate in overall governance,” Wark said.
The EMS and long term care groups would then be participating at the working group level.
Wark says they feel it’s important that the county be at the table for another reason.
“We also have a role to play in providing some healthcare services, whether it’s through the Community Paramedicine program, through Emergency Services and also our long term care homes are fairly significant in size,” added Wark.
She adds, it’s also important that the county participate at the highest level in order to understand the overall health eco-system in the region.
“One of the things that’s so important in regions like Huron County is making sure that everyone is working in close alignment with each other, there isn’t duplication of effort, that everyone has a shared vision for who will be responsible for what,” Wark concluded.
So again, she says it’s important for Huron County to be at the table to truly understand what the priorities of the Ontario Health Team are going forward.