Signs opposing a proposed aquaculture facility go missing

Signs opposing the proposed aquaculture facility in Colpoy’s Bay have been going missing.

Bruce Peninsula Water Watch posted a message on its website warning people to be vigilant.

Founder of the group Dan Boisvert says officials with the Town of South Bruce Peninsula have never liked the signs.

“Last summer I was sent a note from the chief administrative officer of the Town that they had a sign bylaw asking that we have people remove the signs from their front lawn,” he said. “I told him that our Charter of Rights trumped his silly little sign bylaw.”

Boisvert said he was not accusing anyone of taking the signs. He also says he reached out to the candidates in the municipal election to publish their positions on the proposed aquaculture facility on their website but he says none of the current administration responded.

“I actually invited all of the candidates to please identify this project as an election issue,” Boisvert said. “And I asked them all to submit a public statement regarding where they stood on this project for publication to our website. None of the current municipal administration has provided anything.”

Boisvert says as far as he knows the project is now awaiting approval from the ministry of the environment.

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