Privatization concerns growing larger

The Ontario Health Coalition is becoming increasingly worried about the Ford government’s plan to privatize health care in the province.

After the health minister and Premier Doug Ford made comments about ‘exploring all options’ to fix the health care crisis the coalition is once again raising the alarm.

“We will not, under our watch, allow them to privatize the public hospital system in Ontario,” said Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition. “We want a list, we want to know who they are meeting with, it’s in the public interested that there be full disclosure about this.”

Mehra is calling on the government to disclose all services that are being examined for privatization.

“We want a public process. We want to force the process out into the open so that it doesn’t happen behind closed doors before anyone can stop it,” said Mehra.

The coalition warns privatization will only cause further strife for publicly funded hospitals by stripping them of much-needed staff.

“Taking staff out of our public hospitals to serve private clinics that have a business model that is about cherry picking the profitable patients and leaving the expensive patients behind with less staff and less resources to serve them is an absolutely reckless and asinine idea,” said Mehra.

The Ontario Health Coalition indicated they will be gathering support from unions and other health advocacy groups to stand up against privatization in Ontario.

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