All members of the South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) took part in the Civic Holiday Weekend safety initiative that ran from July 29, 2022, to August 1, 2022.
An OPP media release said officers paid close attention to the “Big 4” causal factors in serious collisions on OPP patrolled roadways; Impaired Driving, Distracted Driving, Aggressive Driving and Fail to wear a Seatbelt. South Bruce OPP officers laid 140 charges during the initiative including 119 speeding charges and three Stunt Driving Excessive Speed charges. Over the long weekend, South Bruce OPP investigated 4 motor vehicle collisions. There were no injuries reported at these collision scenes.
Across Ontario, the OPP responded to five road fatalities over the Civic Holiday long weekend, while working around the clock and doing their part to ensure drivers were not jeopardizing the safety of other road users. OPP officers laid more than 170 impaired driving offences. Close to 100 distracted driving violations and more than 280 seatbelt offences were among the list of charges. The OPP also issued over 90 driver’s licence suspensions. The 6,918 traffic-related charges laid throughout the weekend are the latest reminder of how many careless and dangerous drivers are putting the motoring public at risk. Officers also targeted Ontario’s Move Over Law, with dozens of drivers charged for failing to slow down or move over for emergency vehicles and tow trucks that had their emergency lights flashing. And Officers laid more than 4,200 speeding charges and close to 100 stunt/racing charges.
The OPP encourages drivers to always set a good example by observing traffic laws and doing their part to help keep Ontario roads, waterways and trails safe.