Owen Sound Council reviews multi-year capital spending

Owen Sound City Council had a chance this week to review the 2023 Draft Multi-Year Capital Plan.

The plan includes $11.4 million in funding next year to repair, replace, and enhance City roads, facilities, and parks

The 2023 Capital Plan includes more than 90 projects with $7.25 million, or 64% of the total funding, dedicated to the City’s transportation network.

The City’s recreation, cultural, and administrative facilities will see $2.3 million in funding in 2023, with another $900,000 dedicated to parks and green spaces.

As part of the City’s commitment to robust, long-term financial planning, the five-year capital program captures proposed Capital projects through to 2027, supporting the City in proactively identifying high-priority projects and coordinating them with potential funding opportunities.

Major projects include the reconstruction of Alpha Street from 6th Avenue to 9th Avenue West, and watermain replacement and road resurfacing on 9th Ave East.

You can find the draft 2023 Capital Budget atwww.owensound.ca/budget.

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