Brain Tumour Foundation welcomes donation from Bruce Power and their supply partners

The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is welcoming a large donation thanks to Bruce Power and their supply partners. Bruce Power’s Supplier Partners have made a $75,000 donation. And Bruce Power pledged to match donations up to $100,000 made to the Foundation’s Power of Hope campaign held in May.

The foundation will use the money for further education, research funding, and support for those affected by brain tumours.

“Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada provides so much support to families while promoting research and education, so we’re glad that, along with our Supplier Partners, we can help support the excellent work they do,” said John Peevers, Bruce Power’s Director of Community & Media Relations, & Economic Development. “We are proud to be a global supplier of medical isotopes to help in the fight against brain tumours, other forms of cancer, and the sterilization of medical supplies.”

Nearly 30 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour every day in Canada, and approximately 55,000 Canadians currently live with a brain tumour.

Shannon LaHay, Chief Executive Officer of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, said , the donation from Bruce Power and its Supplier Partners is integral to the foundation’s work.

“We are profoundly grateful to Bruce Power and its partners for their generous support,” LaHay said. “At Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, our mission is to reach every person in Canada who is affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research. Thanks to the ongoing support of Bruce Power and its Supplier Partners, we are even closer to achieving our vision to find the cause of and a cure for brain tumours, while improving the quality of life for those affected.”

The Bruce Power Supplier Sponsorship Program aligns the company’s vendor partners with local, provincial and national non-profit organizations that focus on Indigenous youth, health and wellness organizations, Canadian veterans and local Legions, food banks, and hospital foundations. Forty suppliers supported the program in 2022, which donates about $600,000 to these initiatives annually.

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