New grant to help Digital Service Squad in assisting small businesses

Bruce County’s Digital Service Squad has received a new grant to allow them to assist local small businesses.

In a release, the Township of Huron-Kinloss, in partnership with The Hub, has announced that they have received a $160,300 grant from the Digital Main Street program, which provides small business owners with the tools and support needed to digitally transform their businesses.

Digital Service Squads are trained specialists who meet with small businesses, at no cost, to “help them complete an online assessment and to introduce them to online training modules designed to build their digital knowledge and skills.”

The release notes that the Bruce County Digital Service Squad team is currently being formed. The DSS will be available to support businesses throughout the County until March 31st, 2023. For more information, contact Lauren Eby at 519-395-4225 or

The partnership also involves the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, the Town of South Bruce Peninsula, the Town of Saugeen Shores, the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, the Municipality of Kincardine, the Municipality of Brockton, and the Municipality of South Bruce.

“We are thrilled with the return of Digital Main Street and to partner with municipalities throughout Bruce County to once again offer this program through a regional effort. Businesses that take part will receive excellent support and guidance for their digital marketing and online presence from our Squad team,” said Lauren Eby, Township of Huron-Kinloss Business Development Coordinator.

“Small businesses are innovative and entrepreneurial, but often lack the resources to respond to change, be resilient, yet flexible,” added Kay Matthews, Executive Director, Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA). “OBIAA is delighted to work once again alongside the Digital Main Street team and is thrilled to support Bruce County’s squad.

The Digital Main Street program’s resources, grants, training, and Digital Service Squad assistance provide the means for more small businesses in communities across Bruce County to adopt innovative ways, create new revenue streams, expand their markets, and face the future with optimism and confidence.”

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