Staff shortages concern South West hospitals

A report from the May Board of Directors Meeting for the Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance says health human resource limitations will be the greatest challenge for the health care system in the months ahead.

A summary from the meeting said leaders from all hospitals across the South West continue to meet twice weekly to coordinate COVID response and ensure sufficient capacity exists to care for patients across the South West. Efforts are focused on preparing plans to address contingency staffing as well as crisis staffing issues. However, the board was told that in small hospitals, there is often little distinction between contingency and crisis levels. In particular, nursing, physicians and laboratory technician are the three professional groups where current shortages are resulting in the greatest risk of service reduction or closure.

Both hospitals will have access to funding from the COVID-19 Temporary Summer Locum Program for ER shifts from June 1st through September 5th. A total of $872 per day plus travel expenses is available for shifts not covered by the Emergency Department Locum Program (EDLP). Physician groups at Listowel and Wingham are making decisions about how to best allocate the funding to ensure coverage of all ED shifts.

Various  hospitals right across Midwestern Ontario  have seen cutbacks and closures due to staff shortages.

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