Wellington County introduces Community Safety Zones

Wellington County has introduced nine new Community Safety Zones along local roadways.

As of May 16th, the new Community Safety Zones came into effect, and will mark stretches of roads where public safety is of enhanced concern, and as a result, speeding fines will be doubled in these zones.

The roadways are marked by signs and given a special designation under the Highway Traffic Act to increase fines associated with speeding.

The newly established zones also aim to modify driver behaviour and enhance public safety by encouraging slower speeds.

The county evaluated 48 urban roads throughout the area, and determined which roadways would be designated Community Safety Zones.

“Throughout the development of the County’s Road Master Action Plan the community was encouraged to engage and share their concerns,” said Warden Kelly Linton. “Continued excessive speeding was identified as an area of concern during this process. Doubling speeding fines in Community Safety Zones should help to deter dangerous driving.”

More information about Community Safety Zones in Wellington County is available at www.wellington.ca/CSZ.

Community Safety Zone locations:

• Fergus (Township of Centre Wellington): Wellington Road 18 (Belsyde Avenue E) from
Highway 6 (Tower Street S) to McTavish Street
• Elora (Township of Centre Wellington): Wellington Road 18 (East Mill Street) from
Chapel Street to Kertland Street
• Elora (Township of Centre Wellington): Wellington Road 7 from Wellington Road 21
(McNab Street) to Speers Road
• Hillsburgh (Town of Erin): Wellington Road 24 (Trafalgar Road) from Church Street to 75
metres north of Jane Street

• Erin (Town of Erin): Wellington Road 124 (Main Street) from East Church Street to
Millwood Road
• Drayton (Township of Mapleton): Wellington Road 11 (Wellington Street S) from
Andrews Drive to Spring Street
• Palmertson (Town of Minto): Wellington Road 123 (Main Street) from Henry Street to
York Street
• Aberfoyle (Township of Puslinch): Wellington Road 46 (Brock Road S) from 225 metres
north of Old Brock Road to 300 metres south of Old Brock Road
• Mount Forest (Township of Wellington North): Wellington Road 6 (Sligo Road E) from 50
metres west of Church Street North to 125 metres west of London Road North

“The Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police are dedicated to making Wellington County roadways safe for all who use them. Designating an area of roadway as a Community Safety Zone allows for the doubling of speeding fines and is meant to encourage slower speeds and improve safety in these areas where public safety is of special concern,” added Acting Wellington County OPP Inspector Steve Thomas. “These new community safety zones are an excellent example of the collaborative efforts between police and community partners. Safety on our roadways is a top priority for the Wellington County OPP, and the implementation of these new community safety zones is yet another tool we can use to work towards that goal.”

“During the development of Road Master Action Plan, we asked for feedback from our residents, we listened to their concerns and we’ve taken action,” shares Andy Lennox, Roads Committee Chair and Mayor of Wellington North. “The County of Wellington and Wellington County OPP will continue to work together to keep our roads safe.”

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