Kincardine moving forward with commemorative plaque

The municipality of Kincardine will be moving forward with plans to create a plaque dedicated to the late Eldon Humphrey, recognizing him as the originator behind the Phantom Piper atop the Kincardine Lighthouse.

Mayor, Gerry Glover, says this will serve as a great way for newer residents to learn about the legend while paying homage to an important member of Kincardine’s past.

“There’s so many new people in the community who probably have no awareness of the Phantom Piper. So [the plaque] will probably contribute to its significance and add to that prominence and what makes Kincardine, Kincardine. I’m really excited to see this come to fruition.”

Since 1996, a Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band piper has played atop the lighthouse every summer night. To date, there have been 1,389 appearances by 92 pipers over the first 26 years.

Mayor Glover says it’ll tell the story of the past, by way of the future, by adding a QR code to the plaque to help tell the story.

“On your smartphone, you pull up your camera and you put it over top of the QR code, and it captures all the information to your phone. You can download it, play it, or send it to your friends. I think that’s an ingenious idea, especially in this day and age.”

The plaque will be made of bronze, and be close to 2×2 feet in size.

Their goal is to have the plaque ready to be presented on Canada Day this summer.

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