Huron-Perth Public Health says the 6th wave of the pandemic is continuing to affect high risk settings and the people in them.
In a release, HPPH says they have “seen a steady number of new lab confirmed cases of COVID-19 and is reporting 13 active outbreaks and 11 hospitalizations.” The release also states that due to lowered PCR testing capacity, reported case counts are lower than the number of people who actually are contracting COVID-19. Dr. Miriam Klassen, the Huron-Perth Medical Officer of Health, says transmission remains high, and that is “putting pressure on our health care system and highest risk settings, not only due to staff absences, but also because of the extra care required for COVID positive patients and residents.”
The release also notes that masking requirements in certain high risk settings have been extended until at least June 11th. Those settings include public transit, health care settings, long-term care and retirement homes, and shelters and other congregate care settings that provide care and services to medically and socially vulnerable individuals.
Reduce the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19Everyone can contribute to reducing the impact of COVID-19 in our communities by continuing to layer personal protective measures, including:
-Keeping up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations (getting all recommended doses for which you are eligible);
-Staying home when sick, even with mild symptoms, and keeping ill children out of childcare and school;
-Wearing a well-fitted three-layer cloth mask or medical mask in indoor public settings, and when socializing
indoors with people from outside your household, especially if anyone is elderly or immune compromised;
-Knowing your risk and whether you are eligible for early testing and treatment and having a plan to access that
testing and treatment;
-Maintaining good ventilation in indoor spaces (for example by opening windows); and
-Washing hands frequently
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for the virus, you are required to isolate. Visit to
learn what to do. You can also call the toll-free Provincial Testing and Isolation Information Line at 1-888-777-0730 for
answers about COVID-19 testing and isolation guidance.