OPG​ in Bruce County – Community Update – April 2022

You’ve got mail: Any day now, 39,000 households in the Bruce area will get Canada Post’s delivery of the 2022 edition of Neighbours, a four-page newsletter for people living near Ontario Power Generation (OPG) facilities at the Bruce nuclear site. It’s part of OPG’s commitment to keep people informed about our activities, in the communities where we operate. Stories include: OPG’s Nuclear Sustainability Services and its mission to embrace the three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), ground-breaking for a new sorting and recycling facility in Kincardine, and OPG’s ongoing support for local community initiatives. For a sneak preview, you can also download the PDF from OPG’s website at www.opg.com/southwestern (scroll halfway down the page to the Neighbours item). Read More

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