First ship rolls into Goderich for 2022

The first ship into the port of Goderich this year arrived early this morning.

Kirk Blake is the captain of the Algoma Innovator and he says they had a very good trip, with very light winds. He says they sailed from Port Colborne to Goderich and they’ll leave Goderich with a full load of salt for Montreal. At one time the shipping season ended in the winter and opened up again in late March, but Blake says it’s open year round now.

“It’s still year round. I think the mine had a shut down of three weeks and then we were the first ship today, when the mine re-opened. We got in around 1:15 and we’ll probably be leaving around 16-hundred, maybe.”

Blake adds, this is the second straight year that he’s had the pleasure of signing the top hat, recognizing the first ship into the port.

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