Local restaurant, recreation restrictions lift to match provincial rules

Ahead of the provincial easing of pandemic restrictions, the Middlesex London Health Unit is lifting local rules it had placed on restaurants, bars, and recreation facilities.

The end of the Section 22 Order means restaurants, bars, and clubs will no longer be required to keep patrons in a designated and stationary area with masks being worn at all times, except when eating or drinking. The health unit has also rescinded a Letter of Instruction that required people 12 and older to provide proof of vaccination before being allowed to enter sports and recreation facilities for organized sporting events.

The removal of these orders aligns London and Middlesex County with the province’s second phase reopening plan, the health unit said.

Premier Doug Ford announced on Monday that Ontario will eliminate all capacity restrictions at restaurants, bars, theatres, and gyms, as of 12:01 a.m. on Thursday. Social gathering limits will also be increased on that date to 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors and arenas will be allowed 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity.

“The new public health measures in place as of February 17 still impact the settings which were the subjects of our Order and Instruction,” said Dr. Alex Summers, the region’s acting medical officer of health. “What we are doing locally continues to align with the province’s public health measures.”

Despite the planned easing of restrictions on Thursday, public health officials continue to advise people to get their COVID-19 booster shot as soon as they are eligible, keep a smaller social circle, maintain two metres physical distance from those who live in a different household, and wear a face covering in indoor public settings.

Public health indicators have shown spread of COVID-19 has been declining since the peak of the Omicron fuelled fifth wave. Hospitalizations across the province are down to 1,403 on Wednesday, with 364 COVID positive patients listed in intensive care. That is down from 2,059 hospitalizations and 449 people in ICU a week ago.

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