Huron County applying for climate resiliency grant

Huron County council has authorized the county’s Climate Change and Energy Specialist to go ahead with a grant application to the Municipal Climate Resiliency Grant.

Lily Morrow says the fund provides grants of up to $100,000 for projects that increase a communities resiliency to either flooding or wild fire risks.

“So essentially, we would use this money to complete a climate change risk assessment that is going to allow us to determine our highest risk build assets, so we’re likely looking at our large culverts, and then it would allow us to identify which are at highest risk and then take the action we need to mitigate and repair those assets,” explained Morrow.

Morrow says they want to make sure the county’s infrastructure is resilient and can handle increases in precipitation, both snow and rain.

And to make sure critical assets continue to function.

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