Push on for Elgin, Oxford residents to get COVID-19 booster shot

As hospitalizations in Elgin and Oxford counties soar, the region’s medical officer of health is urging residents to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster shot.

Figures from Southwestern Public Health, the two counties’ health unit, shows there are more than 26,000 people aged 50 and older who have had two doses of the vaccine, but have yet to book their third shot.

Dr. Joyce Lock said she is concerned the delay in booking is because of the misconception within the community that the Omicron variant of the virus is just a mild infection.

“The reason it is mild is because of vaccination,” said Lock. “Your risk of an ICU admission due to COVID-19 is reduced by 90 per cent if you are fully vaccinated. Do not take for granted the role vaccines have in getting us through this wave.”

Hospitalizations in the region jumped to 48 COVID-19 positive inpatients on Wednesday, up from 27 the previous day. Of the 48 patients, eight are in the intensive care unit. There are also ongoing outbreaks of the virus at Ingersoll’s Alexandra Hospital and the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital.

According to Public Health Ontario, unvaccinated individuals 60 and older are approximately 19 times more likely to end up in hospital with COVID-19 than people of the same age who have received a booster.

“Please do not underestimate how unpredictable COVID-19 can be. Keeping up your immunity against this virus through vaccination is a key step to staying healthy during this wave,” said Lock.

Appointments for first, second, or third doses of the vaccine can be booked online at www.covidvaccineLM.ca or by calling 1-800-922-0096 ext. 9.

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