Troubling trends emerge following regional Festive R.I.D.E. campaigns

Regional numbers are in from the OPP following their 2021 Festive R.I.D.E. campaigns.

Huron County OPP reported 21 drivers were charged with impaired driving during the 230 stop campaign. Provincially 655 drivers were charged. 21 is up from the just 6 that were charged a year prior. Perth OPP charged 7 drivers with impaired driving this time around from 141 stops, which was the same total as last year. Grey-Bruce OPP reported 9 impaired charges after 93 stops and 6 licence suspensions were issued for a warn result at the road side.

The OPP says in a release that even though the Festive R.I.D.E. campaign is over for this year, motorists can “expect to see officers continuing to patrol area roads, conducting vehicle stops to investigate offences, and setting up RIDE check points to check for driver sobriety.”

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