The City of Owen Sound Council has approved their first Intergovernmental Relations Action Plan. The idea is to ensure consistent messages and a comprehensive approach to articulating City priorities and concerns to provincial and federal governments.
The City of Owen Sound undertook a Citizen Satisfaction Survey in the summer of 2021 to better understand citizen needs and expectations. As reflected in the survey findings, some of the most important issues facing Owen Sound today require a combined community-wide response and are not the sole purview of one organization or level of government. These findings formed the starting point in the development of the advocacy priorities for 2022 and 2023.
The advocacy priorities are:
Affordable housing, cost of living, homelessness
Health including public health and mental health
Employment and workforce development
Climate Action
Escalating municipal government liability and insurance costs
Sustainable funding to offset the true cost of providing court security
Stable funding for municipalities
Development of a Regional Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Georgian Bay and the Bruce Peninsula; and
Awarding of grants that align with the municipal budget process and the provision of longer timelines to complete construction work.
The Strategic Plan Refresh passed last spring called for the city to implement a Government Relations Plan by December 2021.
The Plan is fundamental to the work the City is undertaking to cultivate and support a common understanding of where the organization is headed.
A media release stated, “Communication and relationships are foundational elements of intergovernmental relations. It is important to build partnerships, alliances and shared priorities across the community and business sectors on matters that impact our region to influence agendas and shape direction.”
Staff will provide an update to members of Council on intergovernmental core activities in the 4th quarter of 2023.
“The Intergovernmental Relations Action Plan will improve the coordination and effectiveness of the City’s intergovernmental relations efforts while building the relationships and partnerships necessary to influence policies and decisions which impact the City of Owen Sound.” said Mayor Ian Boddy.