London city hall briefs: woodlot rezoning, affordable housing site plan

Rezoning of woodlot wetland gets approval A woodlot that includes a provincially significant wetland on London’s western edge soon will be donated to the Thames Talbot Land Trust. Eric and Karen Auzins told politicians they’ve left a 15-hectare area of their property at 3207 Woodhull Rd. alone so nature could take its course and want […]

Dog kennel idea for Westmount mall earns a ‘good boy’ from council committee

Calling a dog kennel an “innovative” play to help fill space at Westmount Shopping Centre, a city council committee unanimously endorsed a rezoning request Monday night. It’s an underutilized space with great potential, politicians on council’s planning committee said. Ward 10 Coun. Paul Van Meerbergen, who represents the area, joined the meeting to urge support […]

Push for tax on vacant homes continues despite mayor’s disdain

Mayor Ed Holder blasted the idea of penalties to target vacant homes as housing prices in London skyrocket and supply plummets, slamming calls for a tax as an expensive layer of “bureaucracy.”  Pitched as a possible option to help boost supply amid the city’s growing housing crisis, Holder refused to support further study of a […]

Emergency homeless shelter closing temporarily to give staff break

An emergency shelter handling the overflow of homeless Londoners seeking help during cold weather will shut down for the next three days. The need to give overwhelmed staff a break and train new staff, and a forecast of warmer nights led to the decision, Sarah Campbell, executive director of Ark Aid Street Mission, said Monday. […]

Wrecking ball likely for Woodstock’s oldest home

MARIA TOEWS Sentinel-Review Woodstock’s oldest surviving home – built 203 years ago – will likely meet with the wrecking ball in the coming months. City staff recommend city council remove the heritage designation from the home at 130 Finkle St. at Thursday’s council meeting, allowing the owner to tear down the house that has been […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 1

Help health workers I have been in hospital for almost two weeks with a condition not related to COVID, for which I am triple-vaccinated. I am witnessing the overworked, stressed, abused nurses, doctors, PSWs, medical technicians, support workers — everyone Premier Doug Ford and anti-vaxxers ignore with disrespectful and self-centred protests. Ford should thank our […]