Listowel Wingham hospitals seek exension for infrastructure funding

The Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance hopes to carry over some Hospital Infrastructure Renewal Funding for 2022-23.

The board of governors has learned the Ministry of Health is offering potential flexibility regarding unspent transfer payment funding. So, the board submitted a request to carry over $983,251 for Listowel and $976,636 for Wingham. Most of that money is for Listowel’s HVAC funding and Wingham’s generator replacement.

If the province gives them the go ahead, the money would need to be used by March 31, 2024.

“It is very difficult to publicly procure large infrastructure projects such as generators, HVAC and roofs and have the work completed by the end of the fiscal year in March, especially when funding approvals can be received as late as September,” said a report from the board.

The Ontario Hospital Association continues to pressure the province to allow a carryover of those funds on an annual basis.

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