Clean Technica Climate change

Airbus Drops Hydrogen As Aviation Industry Admits It Won’t Fly

9 min read

Hydrogen’s hoped for role in aviation dates back to the mid-20th century, when researchers began exploring its potential as an alternative to conventional jet fuel. In 1957, engineers at Lockheed and Boeing investigated hydrogen propulsion as part of Cold War efforts to develop high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft. In 1959, a modified … [continued]

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Clean Technica Climate change

Dwindling List Of EVTOL Firms Shrinks Further

9 min read

The inevitable is occurring in the dead end space of Jetsons urban air mobility fantasies. Two more origami rotorcraft have left the vertiport for the great airplane graveyard in the sky as Volocopter disappears and Airbus drops its program. Volocopter was founded in 2011 in Bruchsal, Germany. Initially named e-Volo, … [continued]

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