No answer, no hope
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No answer, no hope
On July 16, I emailed Mark Fisher, director of education at the Thames Valley District school board, asking about the justification for the executive wage increases in 2023.
On July 17, I received a response from Fisher’s secretary that someone would respond to me.
On July 28, I followed up since I received no response.
On July 30, I was told the executive team was all on vacation.
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On Aug. 21, I emailed since I received no response.
On Aug. 21, I received a response that the senior team was all out of town.
On Aug. 27, I emailed again and was told I must make a freedom of information request and pay $5.
Perhaps LHSC’s interim CEO David Musyi would visit TVDSB after he is done cleaning up the hospital. Sadly, no one will do anything.
Gary Rogers, London
Voluntary taxes
Years ago it was illegal to gamble, but government could not stop it and governments realized people wanted to gamble, so gambling became legal and the government collected taxes from it.
Liquor and tobacco are known to be dangerous, but people want to enjoy them, so the government collects taxes from the people who are careless of their own health and society’s welfare.
Automobile drivers who speed are thoughtless toward the safety of others. Red-light cameras are accepted as a safety practice rather than a money grab.
Let’s look at photo radar as a voluntary tax paid by speeders. The speeding taxes could be used to finance police departments. Who would complain about voluntary taxes, since it is a choice an individual makes?
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Doug Alexander, London
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Planning failure
Because of the immigration policy of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his federal Liberal party we have an ongoing crisis with housing, health care, education, and government services.
Now, hard working and long-term Canadians must endure unnecessary hardships and expenses in many areas as a result.
Lack of planning on the part of the federal government should not have created a crisis for us.
John Peake, London
Booze inconvenient
How will Ontarians’ long-term health be affected by the increased availability of alcohol allowed by Premier Doug Ford?
How will our young adults and families be affected?
Points Ford conveniently forgets.
Peter J. Middlemore Sr., Windsor
No intelligent life
Where is the intelligent life on Earth when science tells us fossil fuel burning continues to pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere creating catastrophic climate change
The source of our problems is greed and selfishness. Climate change should be our No. 1 priority followed by the birthrates in the Middle East, Africa and South America sustained by humanitarian assistance and resulting in mass migrations.
Andy McGuigan, London
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