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Cut the big stuff
Regarding the article Debate on proposed cuts to community grants gets testy (June 27).
Coun. Shawn Lewis should be ashamed, attacking one of the good things that came out of the strengthening neighborhoods initiative, in which thousands of hours of volunteer and staff time have been invested to make neighbourhoods and living in them, better.
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The city’s paper clip and pencils budget likely is larger than these neighbourhood decision-making grants, which allow the community and not politicians to decide what they would like to see in their areas.
Maybe Lewis should put more time and effort into addressing council’s multimillion-dollar decisions rather disrespecting all the hard work that created this small, awesome program.
John Fracasso, London
Sick of being had
Regarding the article Tough road ahead for LHSC (June 27) about the projected $150-million deficit and no plan to balance the budget two years into a five-year grace period.
How did this happen?
Why are they not naming the people responsible?
Jackie Schleifer Taylor gets to walk away after receiving a hefty salary and an undisclosed severance for a job she does not appear to have done.
This blatant abuse of our tax dollars is happening everywhere and I, for one, am sick of it.
Liz Rice, Sarnia
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Oversight needed
Regarding the article Tough road ahead for LHSC (June 27).
Where’s is Premier Doug Ford? Do hospitals not produce annual budgets that showed this was happening?
I just heard Ford on the radio taking credit for the carbon tax credit. He needs to stop the glory ride and do some heavy lifting.
Beth McCracken, London
Know thy enemy
Regarding the letter Seeking clarity (June 1).
Had R.J. Webb read the criteria for the location of a homeless hub, he would know a hub should not be located in the interior of a residential neighbourhood.
The building in question is deep in a beautiful, well-kept residential area, which should rule out the hub.
Mayor Josh Morgan extols the virtues of the project, which makes him an adversary of Manor Park.
If I lived in Manor Park, I would initiate a ratepayer’s association today, raise some money, hire a lawyer and begin a dialogue with city hall as soon as possible.
Walt Lonc, London
Food fetish
I wonder what gets into the minds of politicians. Locally, they just show up a at charity functions for free eats or a city meeting where the meal likely costs more than my weekly food costs.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau runs up a $225,000 catering bill.
All they care about is food, fun, votes, self-gratification, and self-aggrandizement. We’re worth a try for more taxes so they can continue.
James Harris, London
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