For the second time this week, hundreds of people walked silently through downtown Owen Sound Sunday night in a show…
Hopeville Kite Festival creates spectacle in the sky over Southgate
Sunday drivers on Grey Road 9 near Hopeville enjoyed a spectacle in the sky as squid, whales, beavers and countless…
Ruck 2 Remember returns to the peninsula in support of veterans
Carrying at least 25 pounds on their backs, men and women “rucked” from starting points in Kincardine and Meaford to…
Family dispute in Hanover leads to shooting and attempted murder charge
A family dispute led to a close-range shooting with a flare gun in Hanover Friday morning, according to police. According…
Tense arrest of armed, cornered drug dealer haunts OPP officer
Mike Chevers has spent about a decade hunting down Ontario’s most dangerous and wanted criminals.