Results of province-wide assessments show students with the Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board managed to land in the top 20 per cent.
The board is celebrating its results on the annual Education Quality and Accountability Office tests conducted in the spring of 2022 in the Primary and Junior divisions, as well as Grade 9 Mathematics and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
The Board’s Primary students exceeded the provincial average in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
“Eighty-two per cent of the students in the Primary Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Reading compared to the provincial average of 73 per cent. Seventy-one per cent of the students in the Primary Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Writing compared to the provincial average of 65 per cent. Sixty-nine per cent of the students in the Primary Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Mathematics compared to the provincial average of 59 per cent,” according to the board.
Junior students exceeded the provincial averages in Reading and Writing, and are nearing the provincial average in Mathematics.
“Eighty-eight per cent of the students in the Junior Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Reading compared to the provincial average of 85 per cent. Ninety per cent of the students in the Junior Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Writing compared to the provincial average of 84 per cent. Forty-five per cent of the students in the Junior Division achieved Level 3 or 4 in Mathematics compared to the provincial average of 47 per cent,” the Board reported.
This was the the first provincial e-assessment for Grade 9 students who are working with a new curriculum. The board said its results are consistent with results by students across the province. Forty-four per cent of Grade 9 math students were at Level 3 or 4 compared to the provincial average of 52 per cent.
And 82 per cent of Grade 10 students who participated in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test were successful, right in line with the provincial average.