Tag: Flooding
Meeting addresses Lake Erie seiche-caused flooding – Great Lakes Commission
On Oct. 17, the New York Sea Grant, the Town of Evans, New York, and the Lake Erie Watershed Protection Alliance will host an informational meeting to help shoreline property […]
Unsteady funding for conservation is made worse by competing priorities
It seems a seesaw battle between a wholistic approach of preserving habitat, and a species-by-species, individual-by-individual plan
Eight Michigan rural communities get USDA loans and grants to fix water infrastructure problems – Great Lakes Commission
Eight rural communities in Michigan are getting help from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fix water infrastructure problems like sewage contamination, aging pipes, and flooding. Read the full story […]
Wisconsin officials ask the public to report algal blooms in Lake Superior | Great Lakes Now
This article was republished here with permission from Great Lakes Echo.
By Anna Barnes, Great Lakes Echo
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is banking on public oversight of the largest Great Lake to help gauge the threat of increasingly common algal blooms.
Great Lakes Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework expanding to improve regional management of invasive Phragmites – Great Lakes Commission
Ann Arbor, Mich. – The Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF) is initiating the first cycle of a new program that will improve Phragmites management across
Wisconsin officials ask the public to report algal blooms in Lake Superior – Great Lakes Commission
Cyanobacteria blooms are not normal for Lake Superior as the lake is nutrient-poor and the coldest of the Great Lakes, but warming temperatures and increased flooding have overridden its natural […]
Chicago reveals climate havens don’t exist — they must be created | Great Lakes Now
Experts now say “climate havens” are not places immune from climate change, but areas where adequate preparation is implemented to account for a drastically different climate than anticipated.
Great Lakes cities, like Chicago, are generally considered to be at a lower risk for extreme climate impacts such as wildfires and tropical storms.
Wisconsin officials ask the public to report algal blooms in Lake Superior | Great Lakes Echo
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is banking on public oversight of the largest Great Lake to help gauge the threat of increasingly common algal blooms. Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, can produce toxins that pose a danger to public health, said Kait Reinl, research coordinator at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Lake […]
The post Wisconsin officials ask the public to report algal blooms in Lake Superior first appeared on Great Lakes Echo.
Who is working to preserve and restore wetlands in Metro Detroit? | Great Lakes Now
By Erica Hobbs, Planet Detroit
This article was republished with permission from Planet Detroit. Sign up for Planet Detroit’s weekly newsletter here.
Wetlands don’t often come to mind when thinking about major metropolitan cities like Detroit. Bogs, marshes, vernal pools, and swamps contrast starkly with the city’s skyscrapers, roads, and industrial plants, and up to 90 percent of the area’s wetlands along the Detroit River have been lost since European settlement.
Aceves: Canadian cities have work to do as heavier rains become more frequent
Urban flooding is increasingly concerning in Canada, where water drainage systems are at risk of being overwhelmed.