Here’s a quick guide to what the four major parties propose to fix Ontario’s housing crisis.
Renters’ relief: London rents drop for fourth straight month, setting a clear trend
Rents in London went down again in January, the fourth straight month prices have dropped, the latest snapshot of the…
Ontario election: Cities have big problems. They may get little attention
Where do Ontario's main three parties stand on the issues facing cities provincewide, and the growing calls for a better…
ANALYSIS: Why mortgage changes won’t loosen London’s tight rental market
The federal government's move to allow first-time homebuyers to extend mortgages to 30 years is unlikely to filter down much…
30-year mortgage option may spark London’s sluggish housing market: Brokers
A decision by Ottawa to allow first-time homebuyers to access 30-year mortgages for resale properties may give London’s sluggish housing…