The Township of Huron-Kinloss has issued a lawn watering and car washing ban.
The ban is for all users of the Lakeshore Municipal Drinking Water System. This ban is being put in place due to “necessary maintenance of the Lakeshore water system and increased demand due to lawn watering,” according to a release. Residents may experience low water pressure at times of excess demand.
The area affected spans from Amberley Beach Road in the south to Saratoga Road in the north, the Lake Huron shoreline in the west to Lake Range Road in the east. This also includes users on the Ashfield-Huron Boundary Road to the Amberley General Store and users in the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh on Amberley Beach Road.
The Township of Huron-Kinloss By-law 2010-46 sets fines for those found in violation of the ban. The ban will be in effect until further notice.