There’s a lot of discussion from time to time about Canada’s trading deficits with the United States.
But Huron-Bruce MP Ben Lobb says a lot of people would be surprised about some of the other trade deficits Canada has with some other partners.
Lobb suggests the International Trade Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs should review all of the trade deals that have been negotiated over the last 20 years and do a review of them.
“Do an accounting of it. We have a $600 million trade deficit, or lost opportunity, with European countries when we did the European Trade Deal and we have a beef and pork trade deficit with them,” Lobb stated.
Lobb adds Canada still has ongoing issues with Durham Wheat in Italy
“In Italy we still have on-going issues with Durham Wheat and even in the United Kingdom, which much of our ancestry is with the United Kingdom, unbelievably to most Canadians they would find out that we actually have a trade deficit in beef with the United Kingdom,” Lobb added.
Canada’s Trade Minister is currently in negotiations with the United Kingdom on a trade deal, and Lobb says the primary objective in those negotiations should be to address that trade deficit related to Canadian beef and pork. He adds, there’s no reason why Canada should have a trade deficit with the United Kingdom on beef and pork.